Thursday, 19 September 2019

What Are the Turnkey Service Options Available For Gaming Entrepreneurs?


What Are the Turnkey Service Options Available For Gaming Entrepreneurs?
Gaming entrepreneurs have a host of turnkey service options available to them for launch of their gaming portal. It all depends upon their requirement. Broadly the models that turnkey service providers offer are one-time fee licensing, White Labeling model and becoming an affiliate of a licensee. Larger players may decide to Design and implement their own Software for online multi-player poker and E-commerce. Among all these the White Label model is the quickest route to launching a gaming portal in the quickest possible time and the best price. The gaming operator can create their own branding and logo in the website and poker software. They are free to use an operator's gaming license, gaming software, technical support, hardware, customer service and e-commerce relationships. It is all that is required for launching a gaming business. It is an option that is best suited for small and mid sized players who are interested in launching their online poker, online casino or sports betting website. The gaming operators would only need to strategize the marketing and attract players to their site. This option which was hitherto not very popular is finding acceptance among a new breed of gaming operators.
The onetime licensing option is more suitable for larger players who have the capacity to make the initial start-up investment. The casino operator would get the license of the gaming software for a lifetime which includes upgrades to the software. Though the initial investments are more it can be recovered with focused marketing strategies which can help to attract players quickly to the gaming room. Turnkey casino providers offer a range of services which include acquiring a gaming license, getting the Servers ready, Server hosting, Offshore banking, Poker Software, Administrative software, Risk management software, office equipment and much more.
It is possible that gaming operators may choose to opt for one service or a set of services from a service provider and may decide to keep the remaining operations under their control. An example would be a case wherein an operator buys the license and hosts it at their own datacenters but the rest of the operations like offshore banking, technical staff and deposit processing is taken care of by the turnkey services provider. In short there are various options that a gaming operator can choose from while launching their gaming operations. The costs of the various models mentioned here are different. While acquiring a gaming license and buying a software license will cost more initially the upfront costs for a White Label model is much less. However, in the White Label model there is a recurring fee which operators have to pay.
The market for online poker, online casino, sports betting is opening up in many countries in LATAM and ASIA after the tightening of online gaming laws in USA. Wannabe gaming entrepreneurs can choose a favorable destination and launch their portals with all gusto. Sure success will be theirs!


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